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My Name Is:

Rebecca DeHamer, M.S., RDN, CSSD, CSC/CPT 



Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Board Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics
Certified Strength Coach & Personal Trainer
Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

Certified ACSM Exercise Is Medicine Clinician
Licensed Be Body Positiv
e Facilitator

Eating Disorders Specialist

Doctoral Student in Kinesiology

My Story

Rebecca DeHamer is a specialist in the fields of nutrition, athletics, and movement therapy. Her background started in dance and education, with highlights of dance injury prevention research. After working in the field of physical education for five years, Rebecca returned to academia to pursue graduate study in Nutrition and Exercise. Before finishing graduate school she furthered her Exercise Science training, becoming a Certified Personal Trainer and practicing within exercise research trials with Moore's Cancer Center and through Public Health work at UCSD. Rebecca trained with the UCSD Medical School's Dietetic Internship, and in 2015 she accepted a position working in their Eating Disorder Center (EDC) Program for Treatment and Research.


Over the years she moved from the adult eating disorders program, focusing on Dialectical and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (DBT, CBT), into adolescent eating disorders program, focusing and specializing in modified-Family Based Treatment (FBT). While at UCSD EDC, Rebecca co-lead the Adolescent Athlete and Exercise programming as the Athlete and Exercise Specialist. Today, she is an expert-level clinician, Board Certified in Sports Dietetics, Certified as an Intuitive Eating Counselor, a Strength Coach, and is currently a Doctoral student in Kinesiology and Adjunct Professor at San Diego State University in the Exercise and Nutritional Science Department. She is an expert-level adolescent and young adult, eating disorders, and sports dietitian with years of experience helping high acuity patients recover from eating disorders while returning to their sport. 


Established in 2018, DeHamer Nutrition exists to support those facing their individual struggles with food, body, and movement concerns.  Our further hope is to offer preventative care methods, informative resources, and openness to concepts of non-judgmental nutrition, body neutrality, and balanced exercise. 

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